Why this, now?

April, 2019
It’s been a long time coming. Welcome to the latest iteration of a website dedicated to the illustration work of Jeff A. Menges. There have been placeholders before, always involving a third party. This is the first site that is being run with Jeff’s direct involvement.

A career in freelance can be full of turns when decades have gone by. Different markets, different tools and techniques, and a whole new way to share it all. Never a dull moment. There is a lot just on the horizon, new material, new clients and perhaps, adventure. :)

Thanks for stopping by to take a peek. Don’t be a stranger, and if you are be interested in talking about commissioning new work, an appearance, or picking up a print for somebody’s birthday… drop Jeff a note.

Stay tuned as there will be more added soon! Books and prints!

Photo by Matt Menges

Photo by Matt Menges